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Ok, so I checked raws and is someone wants to know what happens, but don't rly want to rea...

Gr8Pio April 15, 2024 6:00 pm

Ok, so I checked raws and is someone wants to know what happens, but don't rly want to read it, or just can't w8 for translation
Here we go...

Ex husband now is trying to blackmail blonde dude, FL with her son are in the pool, where blondi is working, ex wants him to let kid drown, but he saves him last minute, he also warns her about her ex husband.
Ex once again kidnapped her son, but at the same time his burned wife kidnapped their daughter, she went with her to blonde dude but after argument she runs away with her in her arms, and they get hit by a truck-kun, kiddo for sure dies, but I don't know what happened to burned face.
Ex after finding out his daughter is dead calls FL, later they meet at construction site of some tall building, he pushes their son of the roof right in front of her, but her new husband catches him last minutes, he was few floors down.
While ex looks down to see what happened, FL uses the opportunity to push him, he falls down but is still alive, well probably, last panel shows him laying in a blood and grunting, so either it was his last breath, or he survived, but for sure he would have some brain or spine damage.

That's it folks.
Fn there is 139 chapters, I think it will end in 1-3 chapters.

The only think that is fk up, is death of ex husband's daughter, like this kid did nothing wrong, she was just unlucky to be born to scumbag parents, I believe author shouldn't kill off innocent child, to push her disgusting father to try to kill his and FL's son.
Kiddo should be adopted by FL, and live a normal life with loving family.

    MsEpic May 6, 2024 5:45 am

    The Author is fucking stupid. Ex should've repented while in Jail and focused on being a good father to her daughter.