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Proceeding to figure why.. just why ?

A night liver April 15, 2024 10:31 pm

This shit is interesting in the way that we want to know what will happen next, it make us obsessed with that DRAMATIC storytelling.
The main characters are not good in my opinion:
Kim Dan that poor baby is too naïve and dumb. But I appreciate him because he fucking think, some other dumbass would have stayed because of love and idk which is totally stupid but he close to go.

Joo Jaekyung is like a decoration, no information about him, no background, we never know what he think like we only have Kim Dan's pov. If he wasn't the main he would be an useless character.

The plot.. this plot is a SACAGE! She wanted to put some psychology at the end with all the shit she has done before?

The art is really great.
