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Diagnosis: Anxious and depression

Baz April 16, 2024 12:04 am

Ok, just a second.

I was supporting the wife when she started to comprehend the fact that her husband was gay, so I was "Go find you happiness, girl! You don't deserve the misery of being in a unilateral relationship".

I'm totally disappointed with her right now. What she's trying to save?

The husband I could understand about him getting the pressure about coming out, the cheating was his total wrong and he not sharing it with his wife before everything happened just shows how he sees her like a scape but not with trust, so I was "Boy, you're already did the shit, leave her alone and go truly with your life"

He not taking his things and moving out of their lives is so stressful, waiting for the wife to make decisions for everyone, the little shit he is...

And the twink, this guy deserves isolation and worse from them, I don't condemn poly relationships, there's nothing wrong with that, but trying to get it through cheating and plans of hurting someone could never get anyone at any place! He started trying to expose the husband and get the wife after when she's vulnerable. This is a villain to me, he falling for them doesn't make him better. He played with them like puppets, he being shy or embarrassed on a panel just make me k1ll him on my mind 7392747 times.

Thank you if you read my rant till here :)

    akarigalaxy- April 16, 2024 4:13 am

    The wife is as shity as everyone, don't make her seem better when she isn't

    LYGL8 April 16, 2024 7:40 am

    She's always been shitty as them, it's just that she was good at a facade that she herself even believe