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Out of all of these chapters, I can't believe 2 pages got me to tear up the most :( that d...

Sherlockwhovian January 30, 2017 4:02 am

Out of all of these chapters, I can't believe 2 pages got me to tear up the most :( that damn scene with the box and Masaki finally getting to spill out how he feels after all those years and getting to finally claim his love for himself. Like fuuuuck. He loved him so much.

    kyouran March 6, 2017 6:29 am

    Out of all the stories, that's the one that hit me the hardest, and my heart was crushed as well by that sad sad sad scene with Masaki

    cagallichan March 6, 2017 11:05 am

    I know! I can't stop crying while reading it....
    and the song I hear while reading this is very suit with the story, I can feel my heart breaking (TT^TT)

    Eva Mark 06 November 4, 2017 2:11 pm

    I know... it's so sad that he didn't try to confess when his love was still alive ╥﹏╥