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Chapter 23

zurcz April 16, 2024 1:43 am

So far as i've read this, it's the most stressful part i can get.. Not until i got into the chapter where the father was shown fully and it had me like "WTF" now that's a new definition that anyone that surrounds you could be abusive, he looked so gentle that i can't imagine he had such a twisted mindset, what a great fucker. The author is really amazing for creating such a nice plot and especially reminding us viewers that you shall becareful om the people who's around you, you'll never know what could be inside them.

    Zuki May 10, 2024 5:46 am

    Fr like I thought he was actually feeling fine now and living a great life got me stopping and exiting chrome when I saw the huge ant

    zurcz May 10, 2024 7:41 am
    Fr like I thought he was actually feeling fine now and living a great life got me stopping and exiting chrome when I saw the huge ant Zuki

    Yup it literally had me finished, but the ending is stuck to me wether it was just his imagination or it was reality that happened when the ant was shown like broo

    Zuki May 10, 2024 11:46 am
    Yup it literally had me finished, but the ending is stuck to me wether it was just his imagination or it was reality that happened when the ant was shown like broo zurcz

    I think his imagination started when he came home, he imagined that his dad apologized to him and that he was living a great school life w/ his friends, but in reality his dad got mad at him, hansol started avoiding him and kwon migrated. Everything after he opened the door of his dad's house was just a part of his imagination