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Lexi April 16, 2024 1:53 am

Wait I forgot why does the white haired guy seem to dislike the black haired guy?

    sobibean April 16, 2024 2:12 am

    I don’t think he dislikes him, I think ryeong just has a lot of history that leaves him in an isolated position emotionally. So he cares for paljae but he draws a line for himself not to cross bc “it can’t possibly be” sort of thing.

    sobibean April 16, 2024 2:13 am
    I don’t think he dislikes him, I think ryeong just has a lot of history that leaves him in an isolated position emotionally. So he cares for paljae but he draws a line for himself not to cross bc “it can’... sobibean

    He also shares history with paljae that neither of them clearly remember for various reasons, so there might be subconscious stuff in play with that as well.

    Mimikip April 16, 2024 10:15 am
    He also shares history with paljae that neither of them clearly remember for various reasons, so there might be subconscious stuff in play with that as well. sobibean

    We know that Munreyong doesn't remember because his human memoried were sealed away