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yeongwoon !!

goblo April 16, 2024 4:18 pm

ur a grown ass adult who doesn’t know how to suck dick. probably virgin. that’s OK but why would u say u were gonna do ANYTHING he wants knowing damn well he’s into kinky stuff? what the hell?? and seo-in. what the fuck. you’re an annoying piece of shit who needs to act like an adult and not a frat boy!! how the hell have these people not gotten over a HIGHSCHOOL breakup???? go to therapy instead of wasting ur AND our time.

    nis April 16, 2024 4:52 pm

    Not sure he's a virgin he doesn't seem like one at all. He's never been with dudes other than the handsy stuff they did in middle school

    OopsieDaisy April 16, 2024 5:19 pm

    Most prolly he's a virgin. It's a troupe in bl . When Ml has tons of worldly pleasures while MC acts like a pure Mary Sue.