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Can someone tell me about chapter 4 . I mean was this happened before the son and his part...

teehee January 30, 2017 10:55 am

Can someone tell me about chapter 4 . I mean was this happened before the son and his partner got together or after that because didn't his.son asked his dad to take uke together with him and if this had happened after they got together so does that mean the son still call girls into his rooms? Excuse my English

    LdySylvr January 30, 2017 11:03 am

    Seems that the dad's story happened before because his grades improved after he moved back home in chap 1/2.

    teehee January 30, 2017 11:05 am
    Seems that the dad's story happened before because his grades improved after he moved back home in chap 1/2. LdySylvr

    Exactly the answer I want thanku so much ^_^