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Tehee (a lil rant) a lil tw as well ig ^^

yourdailyreader April 16, 2024 6:41 pm

Tbh I really believe that reading a wholesome story will fix you, no porn/misunderstanding in it. A few days ago I was doing a LOT of questionable things which I shouldn’t have been doin (myb outta loneliness or shi but nonetheless it was fked up) well basically I was hurting myself in several ways (not the physical ways pookie) but it was rlly bad, like way too bad, worse then when I was sh-ing (cus I couldn’t stop ts time) then boom i shift myself from that n start reading a wholesome ass manhwa n man i tell u im fixed n normal. Idk good story telling, perspective kinda heal me, if yall like that too ill drop the manhwa name for yall. It’s ‘swing baby’ !! n ty to the person who recommended it fr. Myb it was the healthy reality check I needed but fiction helps me a lot idk

    bibblesb April 16, 2024 6:53 pm

    I hope youre doing better now <3 sending a hug and thank you for the recommendation

    Yeni April 16, 2024 7:30 pm

    Will check it out! Great to hear that you're doing better now <33

    yourdailyreader April 17, 2024 5:03 am

    thank u sooo much! hope u guys enjoy reading that too <33