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Dismissing your partner's insecurities as nonsense without talking about it is what will b...

stupidthinker April 17, 2024 1:51 pm

Dismissing your partner's insecurities as nonsense without talking about it is what will bring ruin to your relationship. Like Mugyeong doesn't even care to listen to the reason why Yohan feels insecure or try to make him at ease. And I think Yohan's reaction is understandable. Being naive is one thing but why would he always readily put his senior first before Yohan? It's as if he has no respect for his partner. Yohan deserves better.

    Yoshi.yosh April 17, 2024 2:08 pm

    Yohan, needs reassurance.. i hope the uke understands.. i have seen a lot of people losing their self esteem because their partner doesn't understand and just turn the blame to them

    stupidthinker April 17, 2024 4:10 pm
    Yohan, needs reassurance.. i hope the uke understands.. i have seen a lot of people losing their self esteem because their partner doesn't understand and just turn the blame to them Yoshi.yosh

    Imo in a way that's actually a form of gaslighting, although maybe not intentional. In real life that kind of relationship would turn toxic really quick.