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•ERZA• April 17, 2024 2:47 pm

My moon owl!! I've been rooting for since the very first time you introduced yourself to her! I was conflicted wether you are the ml, and then he is always there everytime with this special effect around him that nade him feel like my ml, I was confused whether he was just simply a part of the show or what but OH MY GHAD I CAN FEEL IT! I think he's the boy our fl like even. A lot of hints were given. But maybe that's just me hoping. But dang! Sucks for platinum really, the moment he see someone acting like marriane he suddenly changed his path. Nah uh. Both are fake but I still feel sorry for our fl. Now he must be feeling very regretful and guilty because of what he did. IDC MY MOON OWL IS ONE OF THE JEWEL! AAAGGHHHH I LOVE TO SEE THEIR INTERACTIONS!!!
