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Ch.74 fuck this bitch (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

daikyuu April 17, 2024 6:06 pm

I absolutely hate and am creeped out by Princess Doodoohead over here. She's disgusting and literally insane. I need her to die fr because that's the only solution to this problem of a freak.
I feel so bad for Therdeo, especially during that one part in an earlier chapter where he got drugged by her then woke up to her demented ass straddling him holding his hand??! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Like that's horrifying, and ugghhhhh my mind went down a very dark direction for that scene but I'm hoping nothing even worse happened then, or ever.

But yeah TLDR; fuck Princess Doodoohead, death to her. No amount of therapy or meds is gonna fix that crazy, obsessive bozo ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    daikyuu April 18, 2024 9:52 am

    Ch.82/83 - I'm commenting here every time (maybe) this Princess Doodoohead motherfucker shows up and/or does more heinous shit. Like I fr need a TW whenever bozo over here makes an appearance. Girlie needs to learn no means no, and get thru her fucked up head that Therdeo isn't and will never be interested in her or reciprocate her feelings.

    Also her thinking she's invincible and can do whatever she wants?? Holy fuck, that's the worse combination of traits: arrogance that's basically hubris + obsessive + manipulative + delusional + wicked, and so on. I'm telling ya'll, death is the answer. Draw and quarter, behead, all that medieval style of execution. I just know stripping her power and wealth is not gonna stop this weirdo and she's probs gonna appear again later on with her foulness, UGH YUCK

    (lmao I'm so invested in this story, don't mind my outbursts, hahaha)