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Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who wants Minwoo back..

Kob April 17, 2024 8:26 pm

This is unrelated, but am I the only one who wants Minwoo to show up if even a glimpse? I feel like Skylar and Minwoo’s story is just unfinished. I don’t like Minwoo, I hate him for obvious reasons,, but I really want him to get some sort of karma, the story can’t just end off with him living knowing he did that to Skylar without any consequences. At best I want his parents to know. I also really want to see how Minwoo looks like now.

And I really hope..Skylar talks to Cirrus about his trauma. I feel like it would clear up so much stuff between them. Like why he doesn’t want their relationship to be public, why he’s nervous. I feel like their relationship would grow if Skylar just opened up.

    Kob April 17, 2024 8:48 pm

    Guys I just realized we saw a glimpse of Minwoo in the future in chapter 54.4 Ooohh…but still, I feel like you can’t just leave it off like that, without ever knowing how Minwoo feels know — how they’d ever react to seeing eachother again, especially how’d Skylar react. How’d Cirrus himself seeing the person who caused Skylars trauma. (Even if he doesn’t know his trauma yet)

    appleshampoo April 18, 2024 4:25 am

    Sorry for the long response but I also want Skylar to talk about his trauma with Cirrus so bad, especially to calm Cirrus’ fear and jealousy of Chan-il. The problem is I don’t think Skylar considers what he went through as trauma (that one chap when he said “my secret isn’t bad, I just embarrassed myself at a sleepover) so I don’t know how he’d bring it up without distorting the story and pinning most of the blame on himself.

    I do disagree about your thoughts on Minwoo though. Their lack of resolution was pretty realistic. Sometimes the worst people in your life just suddenly stop being there. Whether this is because they left or you cut them out, the only closure you get is the kind where you make peace with yourself.

    So I think Skylar is slowly getting to a point where he can start to work toward that closure. Minwoo on the other hand seemed to be at a spot where that situation will always be a black pit in his heart- a fitting end for his presence in the series imo.

    Kob April 18, 2024 11:19 am
    Sorry for the long response but I also want Skylar to talk about his trauma with Cirrus so bad, especially to calm Cirrus’ fear and jealousy of Chan-il. The problem is I don’t think Skylar considers what he... appleshampoo

    It’s fine!! You don’t have to apologize. And yeahh, you explained that really well, I understand that. I’m just really curious how Minwoo feels now, if he feels any guilt or he still doesn’t care and is the same as he was in middle school. Or how they’d react in general just seeing eachother in the future: it’s probably not gonna happen though considering Pakism said they weren’t going to bring him back unless she’s gaslighting us. And also how suspiciously alike Cirrus’s stepmom looks like Minwoo. But they said she was young so I don’t think she could be his mother especially with that personality, ironic but probably accidental how alike they look.

    HELPMELMAO April 18, 2024 6:52 pm

    yrah i want some more salt to the wound

    iamnotmyself April 19, 2024 2:03 pm

    Nope, i don't think min woo gonna show up since the author said so but im betting that jonho(?) or is it jin hwo? Anyway that other guy from skylar middle school life, the one suck at football and spew shit like skylar actually love him blablabla, that guy might show up