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Honestly I would feel so on edge if I was dating someone like that. It is not cute, it is ...

Sunflower April 17, 2024 9:58 pm

Honestly I would feel so on edge if I was dating someone like that. It is not cute, it is not love. It's insecurity and lack of trust. Invading privates moments with friends without asking for consent, being angry with the fact he didn't respond immediately. Not wanting him to have any kind of physical contact with anyone. Actually, I think he would love to isolate the mc, so he wouldn't have any friend or relative to rely on, only him. I can't really understand people defending him. Yeah, mc seems ok with it for now but it's only been a few days and he is already walking on eggs and sensitive with his boyfriend 's emotions every minute. It doesn't sound like a relaxing and peaceful relationship. And If you're living this or want this in real life, please be careful. This kind of behavior is really really dangerous and may put you in a bad mental state.

    Miisseeko April 17, 2024 10:44 pm

    I couldn’t agree more.. he is a bit creepy