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Whoahhh bro what was thisssssss omg. At first I'm not gonna lie, had some doubts about it ...

Cha Cha April 18, 2024 12:28 am

Whoahhh bro what was thisssssss omg. At first I'm not gonna lie, had some doubts about it but wtfff. From the very beginning, even tho I love seeing mutliple povs of different characters, I really enjoyed not knowing what was going on in Ash's mind because made me feel like I really experienced the things the mc experienced with him. That was very nice on the mental part. Then, oh my gosh the art? The freaking art? I love everything about it? Its absolutely insane the way they colored the shadows, the eyes, the background, everything about it just amazed me each panel. Like sometimes I would just stare and admire the art. Also almost felt like at the end they dragged it too long, but NO. That side-like happy stories were PERFECT. And I really enjoyed seeing Ash acting like that in his rut. So another great thing about this manhwa was the smut parts too. Like whoah. Not a usual alphaxalpha enjoyer but even then this manhwa was something else. Im glad I read it!!!!
