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It was funny as hell. Ik you guys are annoyed at Jina but strangely I'm not

Yui_Tsukishima April 18, 2024 6:19 am

It was funny as hell. Ik you guys are annoyed at Jina but strangely I'm not

    Cal April 18, 2024 8:09 am

    I’m not either. Maythan hasn’t had the time to explain everything so she literally doesn’t know anything she’s done wrong/misleading from other characters’ pov. I also feel like because she played the game/loved it so much it’s more firmly implanted in her mind that she’s in a game, and bc she’s not a main character in the game she might feel her actions don’t matter as much as they actually do.

    Yui_Tsukishima April 18, 2024 12:54 pm
    I’m not either. Maythan hasn’t had the time to explain everything so she literally doesn’t know anything she’s done wrong/misleading from other characters’ pov. I also feel like because she played the... Cal

    totally my thinking. We as readers know everything but Jina, who's literally just a maid, can't know how different the plot is lol .. she's too busy fangirling and supporting the og fl anyways