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I really want the red head to backstab the minister. He is literally just using her for he...

... April 18, 2024 6:17 pm

I really want the red head to backstab the minister. He is literally just using her for her brains and holds his position only because of her intellect. She knows she is being used but doesn’t do anything just because “love”. That is the stupidest reason for someone as smart as her. She should break free of her own shackles too.

    Maro maro May 30, 2024 3:42 pm

    I've seen personally how some smart people can be the stupidest person so Patricia's behavior doesn't look that far fetched to me.

    Idk, maybe something about their EQ? But they can really make the stupidest decisions over love or emotions.

    ... May 30, 2024 5:10 pm
    I've seen personally how some smart people can be the stupidest person so Patricia's behavior doesn't look that far fetched to me.Idk, maybe something about their EQ? But they can really make the stupidest deci... Maro maro

    Perhaps. But I really don’t like how she knows she’s being used and is okay with that. Overlooking the fact that he is a bad person is one thing. But knowing the person is bad to and for you and still supporting him the way she does is unacceptable to me. Especially with her character. She’s decisive enough to pull of murders where there were innocent casualties yet she acts so desperate for the minister.

    somnia June 13, 2024 4:24 pm

    Also, Karkass or whatever it's spelled is a very old-fashioned and sexist kingdom. She probably had no other choice but to hide behind the minister. They're a bit older too, so the laws and culture were most likely even stricter towards women.

    ... June 13, 2024 6:01 pm
    Also, Karkass or whatever it's spelled is a very old-fashioned and sexist kingdom. She probably had no other choice but to hide behind the minister. They're a bit older too, so the laws and culture were most li... somnia

    She’s a prostitute. It’s not like she’s mingling in high society that she needs he minister to hide behind. It’s a testament to her smarts that she stood out to the minister even in that situation enough that she acts as his advisor. She’s capable of pulling herself out of that situation but she doesn’t for this guy.

    somnia June 13, 2024 6:49 pm
    She’s a prostitute. It’s not like she’s mingling in high society that she needs he minister to hide behind. It’s a testament to her smarts that she stood out to the minister even in that situation enoug... ...

    It's interesting how different your perspective on this is. Imo she's even more doomed because she's a prostitute. She had no say in anything, just her wits with no connection to the high societies that make these rules. This kind of thing isn't a rich people exclussive. It was explained in the Manhwa, that there's basically no protection for women. They're either owned by their father or their husband, and that's not any different for poor people.

    The odds were stacked against her for years (she ain't the youngest), so she sacrificed a part of herself to afford some form of comfort and stay with her lover.
    A tragic but common occurance for women and the reason why women's rights is and was a thing. But yea, I'm all for her leaving the minister in the dust to become independant.

    ... June 13, 2024 9:46 pm

    I honestly don’t remember reading it was the same for commoners. But you have to understand that she has the mind to move people. She could keep daphne because even her father couldn’t intervene there. The people who killed the guards were also moving on her orders so it’s possible being a prostitute gives her more power because she isn’t bound by societal norms. She is the one making the minister who he is not the other way around. He isn’t bringing anything to her. He isn’t even sincere because if he were he’d take her away from that place because he obviously has the power and the means to do so and this society wouldn’t even put having a mistress against him. That’s how I see it. I am glad we agree on dumping him though.

    somnia June 13, 2024 11:14 pm
    I honestly don’t remember reading it was the same for commoners. But you have to understand that she has the mind to move people. She could keep daphne because even her father couldn’t intervene there. The ... ...

    If high society women are screwed there's no way the commoners are just chilling like it's a completely different world. That's not how politics and culture works. Just because commoner women work doesn't mean they get to own a house in their own name and stuff like that, for example.

    Either way, if Ebony kept being supported and protected by the duke their relationship could've ended up in a very similar fashion.
    If a man wasn't there to help them, both Ebony and Patricia, would've had to tear themselves to pieces just to be acknowledged for their potential, if given the chance at all (especially in Ebony's case). Patricia's connections aren't something that she just acquires with her smarts, she had to pay for it with some kind of money, no? She had to build that bridge with some kind of connection or information.
    I'm mentioning this just bc I think it's important to the story.
    It's not something that you can easily overcome with your smarts, just like how you can't overcome poverty just by "working hard until you make it", just something to think over.

    TLDR; the minister should've been the wind under Patricia's wings but he chose to isolate her in the name of love instead. He can eat my ass. The patriarchy sucks.

    ... June 14, 2024 8:07 am

    Remember that one girl student whose parents run a tavern. Following the dynamics we were shown is why I am saying it’s not as strict for commoners as for nobility. And it’s always been like that precisely because they are nobility. If they had freedom they could change things. If commoner women had freedom they can only change their own environment. Also I am not talking about owning properties anything. I am just talking about the general situation. I guess I am not able to properly convey what I am trying to convey. Nobility can exert more control even in their own homes. They also have the so called “honour” fragile enough to be broken if a woman acts confidently. So Patricia and Evony’s circumstances can’t be compared because of their background.

    Similarly Ebony does need the duke because she has to appear before high nobility. And Patricia doesn’t need the minister because she’s dealing with commoners. Maybe if we learn how and when she caught the ministers eye we’ll know more. And I believe her smarts can help her because she moves with foresight. Not because it can automatically change things but she can manipulate her circumstances to favour her.

    Again agree with the last para.