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The art is great but…

Hachiko77 April 18, 2024 6:44 pm

I really like the art but Idk the plot is all over the place for me. I don’t understand why in her 7th life everything changed so dramatically just because she wanted to quit. Like when did they all fall in love with her when in the previous 6 lives they didn’t??

    Sakusa April 19, 2024 3:32 pm

    think its cuz she changed things when she was younger

    Screen-licker86 April 20, 2024 11:19 am
    think its cuz she changed things when she was younger Sakusa

    So for 5 times she was like- yeah I’ll allow child abuse that warps the 3 ML personalities. As some CN novels would say “blackening them” She didn’t try to help them before they became monstrous. She let it happen and then was upset with the results

    Sakusa April 20, 2024 5:55 pm
    So for 5 times she was like- yeah I’ll allow child abuse that warps the 3 ML personalities. As some CN novels would say “blackening them” She didn’t try to help them before they became monstrous. She le... Screen-licker86

    cl bro i have no clue idek what im reading most of the time

    Hachiko77 April 20, 2024 7:36 pm
    So for 5 times she was like- yeah I’ll allow child abuse that warps the 3 ML personalities. As some CN novels would say “blackening them” She didn’t try to help them before they became monstrous. She le... Screen-licker86

    Right!?!? like she did nothing before and now she decides to kinda do something and everyone falls in love with her plus if she really wanted to leave you would think after 6 lives she would have a better plan than just announcing she’s going.