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Vagueness and confusion

nuttybuddy April 18, 2024 9:24 pm

May I be mildly real? As uncomfortable as I am with the jackass of a director and with the adults surrounding Andrew, then and now. Andrew himself makes me a tad bit uncomfortable.

I do like him, he's capable of being kind and sweet, but I do hope he becomes the bigger person first and ceases these "practice sessions" or at least tell Luke about how he actually feels. Though I do know that's in the distant future.

I'm not a big fan of somebody taking advantage of someone who's clearly confused. He has the opportunity to make it clear but he doesn't. It's just, weirdly uncomfortable. I know he probably has troubles going about these these things because of trauma, homophobia, and so on but the whole situation is just uncomfortable. And who knows how far he might go if it doesn't stop, he's already out of line. You feel me?

Also piss off Luke's friend (I forgot his name), if someone's already taken leave them alone.

    Big tiddy goth gf April 18, 2024 11:39 pm

    ill be real if Luke cant piece most of that together himself maybe hes not mentally old enough to be dating people . I understand everyone is looking for confirmation and clear relationship boundaries in comics but Im sure Luke wouldn't genuinely think Andrew is just suddenly oh so nice he'll play practice mannequin for him

    nuttybuddy April 19, 2024 6:16 am
    ill be real if Luke cant piece most of that together himself maybe hes not mentally old enough to be dating people . I understand everyone is looking for confirmation and clear relationship boundaries in comics... Big tiddy goth gf

    Same sentiments here, I'm not sure if he's just that dumb or he's in denial and making shit up in his head.