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sweety1997 April 18, 2024 11:17 pm

I left this early to let it marinate and wait until FL and ML are in a proper relationship. Like when Ines gave in and loves ML and starts to heal and think of life with him. Are we anywhere close to this right now? Cause I cannot handle it if not...

    Anpanan April 18, 2024 11:38 pm

    Yes it's close! Healing but not healed, but still sweet! She still feels some sort of guilt/ responsibility for claiming him when they were kids

    - bit spoiler-y just brief points tho

    It's after a rough patch, but it kinda sets up the stage and then after her mindset starts changing, when she realizes her plans are failing. She worried for him when he got sick, dreamed abt past lives w carcel, realizing his love is kind and warm and she can't stop thinking abt him. At one point she wakes up from her dreams and has this realization. And then she shared a thing abt one of her past lives to him , abt how she used to ride horses, which she thought she would never do before (exposing personal trivial history abt herself to carcel). I'd say this starts around ch-50-60, if I rmbr correctly.