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I feel as though I should be more worried than I am

puresaltt April 18, 2024 11:32 pm

I mean technically he’s saying the common thing in BL like “I’ll bind you to me” and all, but he said it so…eloquently? I mean I should probably be more concerned but he just said it in such a smooth manner with no crude words that it almost slipped by me as if I was just reading a normal monologue Σ(っ°Д °;)っhow’d he manage to say something that can be cause for concerning in such a seamless way lol

    Hari April 19, 2024 12:40 pm

    Now I don't think "I'll bind you to me" is the right interpretation. Cuz the phrase means there's some obsession of some kind, but i don't think he's obsessed.

    Eunsung was yapping about how taegun never really left his mind since highschool, since his ass is madly in love with him(what a loser ). By saying he wants taegun to be tethered to him, I think he means he's gonna try his best to keep himself in taegun's headspace for a change(revenge? i guess). Stupidly poetic(and emo) way to say "I'm gonna make you fall in love with me too."

    Hari April 19, 2024 12:43 pm

    + so u shouldn't be worried cuz there ain't a thing to worry about. The guy's just hella dramatic . Although this doesn't mean I'm completely dismissing the possibility of him growing reliant on taegun's presence for him to feel whole(aka obsessive) im the future. Im just saying rn, don't think that's the case, at all.

    puresaltt April 20, 2024 9:51 am
    + so u shouldn't be worried cuz there ain't a thing to worry about. The guy's just hella dramatic . Although this doesn't mean I'm completely dismissing the possibility of him growing reliant on taegun's presen... Hari

    Ohh that’s totally fair I was having trouble finding a good phrase for it lol. I think you put it better as there is a possibility of an obsessive feel in the future but not a super bad worry rn! Thanks for the take u worded it better imo! (●'◡'●)ノ