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Would like to ask

JaReader April 19, 2024 11:21 am

Heard this was good but before I dive in, would like to check if there is any love story or harem going on?

    IceBall April 19, 2024 1:45 pm

    No harem. Minimal romance, like at the last two arcs maybe. Mc is workaholic obsessed driven determined to achieve his goals so no simping. Romance doesn't affect the plot, it's just another way we were shown how the characters have grown, how time has passed.
    Great story, mc is cool. I recommend. It deserves the high rating.

    JaReader April 19, 2024 2:12 pm
    No harem. Minimal romance, like at the last two arcs maybe. Mc is workaholic obsessed driven determined to achieve his goals so no simping. Romance doesn't affect the plot, it's just another way we were shown h... IceBall

    ok. Thanks!