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It would have been more satisfying if his annoying personality was brought to light and ab...

Purple whale April 19, 2024 12:22 pm

It would have been more satisfying if his annoying personality was brought to light and about how he punched mc during filming. His ending was meh

    Nizze April 20, 2024 2:45 pm

    I also think so... but being associated with him even as a victim would be bad for mc's image. So I get why he wasn't exposed... but I do wish they showed him going to jail or something...

    Alistair April 23, 2024 5:04 pm

    No its good that the punching incident wasn't brought to light. Korean media is different they would make him seem like the bad guy saying what did he do to deserve being punched. Especially since he's a rookie they would twist it and say the veteran actor put him in his place.the media there isn't kind to celebrities at all