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The past, present and future are really things we cant change or predict. But what we can ...

Anonymous January 31, 2017 12:10 pm

The past, present and future are really things we cant change or predict. But what we can do is just live life to the fullest! Good manga. Painful but good...

    FremyChan July 5, 2017 9:50 pm

    Actually the only thing we can't change is the past! Present and future are changeable! We just want to change it! It's in our hands! :3

    EmotionallyUnstableBijj July 14, 2021 3:18 am
    Actually the only thing we can't change is the past! Present and future are changeable! We just want to change it! It's in our hands! :3 FremyChan

    But how will you change something you don't know----something like what will happen in the future.