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Alpha endgame

Nickname April 19, 2024 9:12 pm

Alpha X cell mate who does what prisoners do when they find out their cell mate committed horrendous sex related crimes and beat tf out of them to get them put into solitary

I’m actually so pressed about the alpha being a free man, put that wankstain in JAILLLL idc what sob story he has, being abused doesn’t absolve you of perpetuating that abuse cycle onto those around you. Does therapy not exist in this omegaverse ??

Also can the beta grow a fcking backbone and be single, for someone with abandonment issues who previously couldn’t date for fear of being left behind he seems incapable of allowing himself to be single again. Like this universe has more to offer than your r@pist and your stalker, find a nice beta man.

I really actually want to see an omegaverse with two betas, just regular gay men. That’d be funny with the juxtaposed omega alpha drama going on actually lol
