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The fact that most men are unhygienic, i thought its a manga thing and not true lol. I jus...

Marshmallow April 20, 2024 3:38 am

The fact that most men are unhygienic, i thought its a manga thing and not true lol. I just got so used to my husband, because he really take cares of his hygiene very well and i thought this what it should be for other men too maybe? Until he told me how most of the men (friends and colleagues) are very dirty, lazy and unhygienic, they don't bath for 3 days, didn't wash their lightsaber at all ect. I was so shocked lol, so theres some true about manga saying that most men being dirty.

    Marshmallow April 20, 2024 3:46 am

    He like to spill me teas about his friends, like when i say 'oh your friend seems nice', then he be go saying 'well he is nice, but if im a girl i wont date him because he's very lazy, he's so lazy that he don't even bother to bath for days.'

    PhTyn April 20, 2024 4:18 am

    I have a brother, and this is true

    mira April 20, 2024 9:06 am

    yeah lots of men are so unhygienic it's repulsive. Also depending on the culture they're surrounded by, i have heard many even avoid washing their ass in the shower because it's considered gay. LMAO. they're disgusting.

    Marshmallow April 20, 2024 12:55 pm
    yeah lots of men are so unhygienic it's repulsive. Also depending on the culture they're surrounded by, i have heard many even avoid washing their ass in the shower because it's considered gay. LMAO. they're di... mira

    Imagine not washing your ass for 20 years lol, thats too nasty

    Arthur Morgan my pookie wookie April 20, 2024 4:44 pm

    No, bc I have tons of male friends and ALL of them (except one) are actually disgusting. For example: one alway uses his sleeve to whipe his nose and man,, that shit is full of snot.
    The other one barley showers and smells like ass (also looks like it), etc. Like most men are actually disgusting, which is crazy