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Did all the people complaining about the ML read the same thing as me?

Simp4Sukuna April 20, 2024 5:35 am

ML is literally a diagnosed PSYCHOPATH, don't forget that and try to apply normal logic to his behaviour.
that still doesn't make okay the things he's done but at least he has an excuse compared to other ML that are normal but still worse than Wooyeon

    Gravenshi April 20, 2024 6:04 am

    An excuse... I don't even understand your take. ( ̄∇ ̄") It's not a contest of who has the least worst excuse.

    People's complaints are legitimate, your reasoning is sadly fallacious. He, being diagnosed mentally ill does not change the fact that he is hurting the uke for the most frivolous reasons and people are rightfully upset about that. Like you said, it's not okay. There is no "BUT" or "at least".

    I never heard people on the news, "Oh, he is a criminal, but unlike those other normal ones he has AT LEAST a mental illness as excuse". (´。_。`)

    Simp4Sukuna April 20, 2024 7:09 am

    maybe i didn't explain myself well enough since english isn't my native language but what i meant was they shouldn't try to apply normal logic to his behaviour and expect wooyeon himself to understand right away by himself that what he's doing is horrible. i didn't meant it was an excuse for his behaviour lol
    but whatever

    Gravenshi April 20, 2024 8:18 am
    maybe i didn't explain myself well enough since english isn't my native language but what i meant was they shouldn't try to apply normal logic to his behaviour and expect wooyeon himself to understand right awa... Simp4Sukuna

    Remember when I wrote "Like you said, it's not okay." The issue is that what you are doing and saying are not aligned. I doubt that barrier language is the issue, because you keep bringing up implicitly the mental illness. You don't excuse him, but feel the need to bring up "excuses", leading to fallacy which displays an antithesis.

    Why they shouldn't use normal logic? If you started using the criminal logic to view their misbehavior, people couldn't be lawfully obfuscated about obviously outrageous acts without cognitive dissonance. Nobody has to apply the Seme's logic or even should try. It's because they use "common sense" they are able to know that his actions are despicable. They ain't trying to understand him, they are JUDGING, better condemning, him.

    They shouldn't expect him to understand? He understands basic speech such as "No". He is being a 5ssh0le in purpose. MC is well aware that he is doing something horrible, but he does not care about the repercussions. He does not carry the guilt or compassion associated. Most importantly, he does not understand "love", taking the Uke for granted.

    Still, this lack of understanding cannot stop people for wanting him to treat the uke with respect, even with the fake respect he treats everyone with. After all, his mental illness is a thing, but it does not incapacitate him of basic decency.

    I mean... I do expect people "expect" him to understand. Otherwise, it'd mean that people are reading this story with 0 hope of redemption for the ML. The frustration is clearly keeping the audience hooked.

    To answer your question, the people complaining read the same story as you and do not care if the MC is a diagnosed as a psycho. Seme does not need to be diagnosed psycho for us to know he is sick, it's just a "label"...Toxic BL works pretty much the same.

    Simp4Sukuna April 20, 2024 8:24 am


    Gravenshi April 20, 2024 8:32 am
    tl;dr Simp4Sukuna

    Don't read then, why telling me?