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Not Feeling this so Much

Amberwaves January 31, 2017 7:50 pm

I have two major problems with this: First, I can't see it as romantic that anyone just uses somebody to get over someone else. I don't care if the person to be used is proposing it himself, it doesn't change why the other person is getting into the relationship. Besides, we all know that rebound relationships have a bad track record. I can tell that the mangaka is trying to hint that Tamaki has had feelings for Koudai all along, but that just makes Tamaki one confused mess.

Which brings me to my second problem, Tamaki himself. I find him annoying. Why would he think that Koudai was teasing him? I have yet to understand why Koudai likes him as we haven't seen Tamaki be nice Koudai even once.

Perhaps the manga will improve but I don't know if I will stick around. It will probably depend on the next chapter.

    blackrabbit February 23, 2017 6:15 pm

    Yes! Tamaki's personality,mmmm... feels like creating drama just for the sake of it.