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Dang they need some therapy Cirrus needs to chill the fuck out bruh when your bf has alre...

broke fujoshi April 20, 2024 9:22 pm

Dang they need some therapy
Cirrus needs to chill the fuck out bruh when your bf has already told you that he's not comfortable being lovey dovey in public then he should respect that and give him some space.
Ik cirrus prolly has attachment issues as you can see with his dog candy, his mom and in some aspects is teach before he did that disgusting thing to him (hate him for that , vile piece of shit ) and now Skylar so I get his behaviour but still they need to have a peaceful convo
So that they can understand eachother well

    HRAensn April 21, 2024 4:37 am

    I don’t condone Skylar’s behavior. He went too far by beating Cirrus when he knows he has trauma and was beaten by family iirc. Also wrong for calling Corrus a second choice but I know he didn’t mean that cause (spoiler)

    He apologized in 103

    As for cirrus he’s also in the wrong for going through someone’s phone like that. And his insecurities a bit too much