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Yuna’s character makes no sense to me. She’s so mean to FL and has been caught fairly ...

whalien April 21, 2024 4:26 am

Yuna’s character makes no sense to me. She’s so mean to FL and has been caught fairly often in the act by FL’s Boss (the ML) but somehow she just reverts back to acting like no one witnessed anything and treating him as if he doesn’t know her true character. That just isn’t realistic in my opinion.

As for FL, I don’t understand her being a literal doormat. It just doesn’t make sense.

Also, the fact that we are about to be at chapter 50 and they still haven’t explained how or why Yuna and the blond guy got together in the original timeline is telling me this is gonna be dragged out. Its clear the even in the OG timeline, blondie had feelings for FL up until a certain point in time. What we haven’t yet seen is what caused that change

    whalien April 21, 2024 4:30 am

    Omg also, the fact that she still likes the blond guy after how he treated her in her last moments with him is beyond me. He would t even be a thought in my mind after that.