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Ok so I have and exam tomorrow and spent a considerable amount of time reading this. Not g...

Cha Cha April 21, 2024 11:53 am

Ok so I have and exam tomorrow and spent a considerable amount of time reading this. Not gonna like at first I was soo angry with dongchan but then I poured it all to sunny, I hated the character with all my heart I'm a hater I was full of negativity. Guess im glad he got a redemption or something? Loved the happy ending, but the part where hyeji changed the story was pretty cheesy, I was like "euhhh noo" out loud but I guess I'm glad it all ended well? This would absolutely break my heart if it had a bad ending. Also I absolutely adored the loving relationship between jiwoo and dongchan, it was so sweet. The art was really good too, its impressive how much they improved. Overall a very good read!!
