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(TW) I’m feeling conflicted about the first couple

beyblade April 21, 2024 6:30 pm

Woo-in is just too darn understanding. It makes me cry so much for him. I always considered being quick-witted his strength. But sometimes it feels more like a burden, with how he was able to realize Jun’s feelings early on, how he left his family once he became of age, and how he was able to forgive Suk Yun easily in ch. 95.

Woo-in has abandonment issues and, to be honest, is kind of a people pleaser due to his childhood upbringing. He doesn’t see Suk Yun’s actions in ch. 88 as r*ape because he understands that Suk Yun will not hurt him. He probably just thinks of it as an out of character rough sex. Suk Yun has separation anxiety and abandonment issues too, and his way of reassuring himself is via bite marks and physical affection… like a form of possessiveness. And Woo-in understands that Suk Yun is bad at communicating because he was brought up in an environment where he couldn’t verbally express his wants and desires to others.

I understand the nuances in their relationship, and why this isn’t considered r*pe. But the issue is, it feels almost like a cop-out from the author. I would rather have a complex and uncomfortable conversation between the two than a “i didn’t think it was r*pe and therefore it isn’t.” I still love this story, but I guess headcanon-wise, they eventually talk about this issue once they get more into BDSM (that’s what the side story was hinting at, right?)
