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I think ya all reading this wrong, I don't think he hate his child he is just awkward, he ...

I am a weeb April 21, 2024 10:28 pm

I think ya all reading this wrong, I don't think he hate his child he is just awkward, he has never have to be a parent and then one day he finds out he is a father, some people just don't know how to communicate with children, but that doesn't mean they hate can see he is over thinking on how to respond to his son. Just give bro some time to being use to his son.

    lostikins April 22, 2024 12:38 am

    These people are either projecting or have never been put into a sudden situation where they have to take care of something they never met before.

    I went through 3 marriages between my mom and dad remarrying and that shit ain't easy on either party lol

    Not to mention Yoon also had to suddenly believe that a man had given birth to the child in question. It's a lot to take in in just a couple months.

    I am a weeb April 22, 2024 3:54 am
    These people are either projecting or have never been put into a sudden situation where they have to take care of something they never met before.I went through 3 marriages between my mom and dad remarrying and... lostikins

    Exactly, everything has been so sudden for him and think he really is trying

    JackH April 22, 2024 5:04 am

    Yeah, the comments section is full of people being triggered Kin-Heon definitely has good intentions for his son and fiance, he's just awkward. You can see Kin-Heon navigate the relationship with Gyeol, like saying his kid can see him straight away, asking whether he why Gyeol is leaving his beloved plushie with him, not wanting to tease Gyeol because he won't clap back (like Baek-Yeon) and trying his best to be sensitive to his needs. Kin-Heon does care for Gyeol, he's just learning how to be a father very suddenly

    lostikins April 22, 2024 5:30 am
    Exactly, everything has been so sudden for him and think he really is trying I am a weeb

    It's always so wild checking the comment section to see that 98% of the time it's people hating on the seme for some dumbass reason.

    At least be mad at him 'cause he keeps failing to communicate that he actually loves Baek-yeo which is leaving the poor guy to believe he's just being used lol