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Thoughts on Romantic Interest/s

Rinslette April 22, 2024 12:42 am

*mostly a rant and a bit long

Honestly, the plot regarding the orange-head is bothers me a lot that I really avoid reading any of her lines. This series would have been much better if this subplot is gone or shown less. Like the girl hasn't done anything major that makes me hate her, just that I don't think she'll be of help to Sihyuk and Siha's situation/life (previous commens have pointed that out too). She's just really annoyingly clingy. So far it's been good since the Sihyuk has been rejecting any of her advances but I really hope she don't end up being the final love interest (if there's truly one).

The blonde girl has potential though, but it's too early for me to tell. Since she just got introduced.

*Sigh* I just really don't want to drop another perfectly good story because the author failed to create an excellently written female love interest yet again. I'm literally so tired of it, it seems that the authors of these stories can only write women characters as nothing more than flat stereotypes that has no depth and personalities.

    IamShieXie April 22, 2024 1:36 am

    happy to know I'm not the only 1 who thinks she's annoying.

    wilson April 23, 2024 5:36 am

    frrrrrr she's like what you said ANNOYINGLY CLINGY.

    and like same. Idk why almost EVERY SINGLE AUTHOR always decide to add romance in a work which doesn't really need it? Not to mention the love interests being so 2D.

    The amount of works I had to drop cause Author suddenly sh4t on me with sudden romance? ughhh countless

    Romance subplot or not. It's still... ROMANCEEEEE!

    Minnie April 23, 2024 4:02 pm

    I think it's because most of the time, these kind of manhwas are targeted to male audience especially the action ones, that's why they barely give efforts on the romance especially writing the female characters (might also be because the writer is a male, not discriminating but that's most of the case)