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Those hits to the face were so well deserved omg that was great. Might come back to bite L...

h3w0o April 22, 2024 12:45 am

Those hits to the face were so well deserved omg that was great. Might come back to bite Luke but totally worth it rn. The director dude’s annoying and can’t handle the fact that his parents didn’t give him enough attention as a kid and people don’t see him as handsome or whatever so he takes it out on pretty people. It’s like the audio “he’s bald, he’s bald and he’s torturing people with hair!” But in this case it’s about torturing people with pretty faces lol. Poor Luke he’s been dealing with his bs for a while and now he finds out more stuff about Andy from other people (which he doesn’t like because he respects boundaries and wants him to open up himself TwT). I wanna know the truth too so share please and communicate
