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Love triangle? Seriously?

Waliwup April 22, 2024 3:13 am

Who told the author we like love triangles? Cause believe me unless Melody is the third person I am NOT interested (and it probably won't be cause everyone loves yuribait until it's not bait anymore). I just hope the love triangle aspect won't be so prominent that I can't enjoy the story anymore.

    shitcory April 22, 2024 3:19 am

    SAMEEEE, I hate love triangles sm honestly there's one series I love for theirs because it was just bait the editor or someone likely recommendes, to do for the cover, because "it's popular". The third person in the "triangle" showed up for the like the last 20 or so episodes out of a 100+ if I remember right lmao. He clearly never had a chance the moment he showed up.

    We know the ML is going to be Lucid likely anyways so idk why try to bait us although I'd be tempted if there was someone else who transmigrated like Luda did, if the dynamic's fun. But Lucid for the win, for a triangle please let it be Lucid vs Melody.