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mewmeo April 22, 2024 4:06 am

A while back read this when it had few chapters and now read the raws and oml like wished it was longer and things would’ve been resolved naturally

Like why in the last chapter mls friends act nice to mc even though they were dicks and were hostile to the mc like damn wtf did the mc do to you like I genuinely was hoping the ml to suffer more for what he had done to the mc and that mc could make some new friends

Just seeing mc feeling lonely hurts because I can relate to that and the mc cloning onto ml is relatable to knowing that he’s like your only friend you can confide into LIKE COME ON AITHOR GIVE HIM SOME FRIENDS

Also Ml was like rude and was shit taking behind mcs back and at the end why tf did he want mc back it pisses me off like to me it seems he just want the mc back for control or something rather than genuinely love him it seems manipulative to me

Deadass if you love the mc so bad why the hell did you did that in the first place and why aren’t you leaving your friends that are mean to the mc like bro go make new ones and include mc in and make mc be open to new things

Overall wished it was longer and fleshed out in my opinion and thanks for the translations seems good
