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I recently reread everything until ch 90, just my take on this so far

gojo April 24, 2024 5:45 pm

I can see them being together even though it seems very WTF now (I think reading the chapters one by one isn't giving that). I thought so too, that's why I went back and reread everything in one go, and the symptoms had been there since the beginning. I feel like Tay is attracted to Ilay at first sight (hands) lmao, but yes, he is still angry and upset at Ilay, but that doesn't stop Tay from being attracted to him. 

Tay has been tolerant of Ilay since day one; even Tay's crush (I forgot his name) at the beginning doesn't get that special treatment. Remember when Tay and Ilay had a deal to not interfere with each other about that guy? And when Ilay got to sleep with Tay's crush, it upset Tay? He wasn't upset because his crush slept with Ilay, he was upset because he thought his relationship with Ilay was improving and getting closer ever since they got locked up together (and were dick friends), but seeing that scene made him think that Ilay was just treating him as someone insignificant, someone disposable, and not a friend. Like a tool, maybe.

Ilay has been special to him from the start, and vice versa. I do not like Ilay constantly forcing Tay, but I think that it makes sense that they both will still end up together despite everything. 
