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He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family...

Bubbang April 25, 2024 5:13 pm

He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family. He killed mc's family.

    thisislele April 26, 2024 12:42 am
    what do you mean? he is the main love interest. so are you here to just see seme die? it does matter in the sense of maybe not forgiving him but even if its just letting go of that hate the uke has? potentially... happyggm

    whether it was an order or not does not mean he didnt commit mass murder multiple times and against the mc’s family. following orders is still a choice and he is still a terrible person and i would love for him to die. letting go of that hate frankly would just be stupid, there’s no other way to say it.

    happyggm April 26, 2024 1:15 am
    whether it was an order or not does not mean he didnt commit mass murder multiple times and against the mc’s family. following orders is still a choice and he is still a terrible person and i would love for h... thisislele

    just curious then why are you reading this then? him following orders doesn't justify it, but in my head it at least justifies him falling in love with him (uke not falling for a complete bastard). cuz there's plots where the ml did shit intentionally but they're still forgiven. like im reading this cuz I want them to be together. the cover photo was literally what caught my attention when this came out

    Nataruma April 26, 2024 3:24 am
    whether it was an order or not does not mean he didnt commit mass murder multiple times and against the mc’s family. following orders is still a choice and he is still a terrible person and i would love for h... thisislele

    And the MC manipulated an innocent slave and nearly got him killed for his schemes instead of bearing that responsibility himself. If you ask me I prefer the direct savagery of Heeryang, he makes no excuses for himself and he knows he's not a kindhearted person and bears the responsibility of the actions he's taken by not expecting to be forgiven. Also do you feel the same about any soldiers deployed now today overseas? That they also need to die cause they're following orders? If so you have a super naive perspective on the world.

    Bubbang April 26, 2024 6:29 am
    daddy issues? from who? the seme? he's a general, he's suppose to follow orders. whether they're innocent or not he don't really got a say in the matter happyggm

    He does tho?
    "The term 'daddy issues' is used to refer to psychological issues that a person may experience as a result of an absent, abusive, or problematic relationship with their father or father figure,"
    Idk how to word this out better than I can, but From what I take from the latest chapter and from the previous flashbacks, is that his father's actions and his relationship with him made a huge impact on how and why he has become what he is at the present.

    happyggm April 26, 2024 7:27 am
    And the MC manipulated an innocent slave and nearly got him killed for his schemes instead of bearing that responsibility himself. If you ask me I prefer the direct savagery of Heeryang, he makes no excuses for... Nataruma

    innocent slave? you talking about the blonde/orange guy? do y'all forget what time period this takes place in. it was very common for servants/slaves to get tortured or killed to teach their masters a lesson. not that it makes it right, but uke was at fault cuz he was caught lying. soldiers know the possibility of dying comes with the job. seme is a bastard son who was abandoned in the worst part of the border, where there was always bloodshed. disobeying orders in this time period usually meant torture or death. idk what y'all think he was gonna do. disobey orders from the one person that has helped him & given him that authority he posses. its y'all thinking naively that he was gonna disobey orders, especially in this time period

    happyggm April 26, 2024 7:35 am
    He does tho?"The term 'daddy issues' is used to refer to psychological issues that a person may experience as a result of an absent, abusive, or problematic relationship with their father or father figure," Idk... Bubbang

    I disagree only cuz he is a soldier. this type of behavior to a certain degree is even seen in cops/soldiers today. yes maybe he's detached emotionally cuz he grew without love, but most of it comes from him being a soldier. killing people was normal to him cuz that's what he was surrounded by. & people who are usually constantly being exposed to traumatic things become numb to it eventually. people who have daddy issues usually look for people with strong "fatherly" characteristics, providers etc. uke is none of that, he's weak & vulnerable. the seme is "daddy" (▰˘◡˘▰) lol

    thisislele April 26, 2024 11:19 am
    just curious then why are you reading this then? him following orders doesn't justify it, but in my head it at least justifies him falling in love with him (uke not falling for a complete bastard). cuz there's ... happyggm

    bc it’s interesting??

    thisislele April 26, 2024 11:42 am
    And the MC manipulated an innocent slave and nearly got him killed for his schemes instead of bearing that responsibility himself. If you ask me I prefer the direct savagery of Heeryang, he makes no excuses for... Nataruma

    bearing the responsibility himself? is this a joke? are we forgetting that not only was he punished without mc’s knowledge, mc literally stabbed himself to save him LOL. cruel my ass, they are not comparable. fuck war and fuck american soldiers. not every soldier is a mass murderer killing parents in front of their children. but the ones who are occupying other countries, pillaging villages, raping young girls and women, slaughtering innocent civilians, do deserve to die. there are men who have been given orders and/or permission to do such things and have CHOSEN not to. there’s also the rape culture within the military itself, female soldiers get raped by other soldiers and their higher ups and even if reported and believed the men get off easy and the victims (often women) get paid once a month for their trauma. and that’s only me talking about american military. the only soldiers that deserve respect for being a soldier are those who were drafted and actually forced into war, only to end up broke and homeless bc their country doesn’t support veterans like they say they do. i dont think im the one with the naive mindset.

    CeCemmm April 26, 2024 2:28 pm
    I typed it all out lol Bubbang

    I love that you answered this lol

    Bubbang April 26, 2024 2:34 pm
    I love that you answered this lol CeCemmm

    In those moments I never would've expected that this would start a whole argument/discussion

    Evan April 26, 2024 3:44 pm
    what do you mean? I thought he's family was innocent? uke literally says they were framed & I think the seme did say something along the lines that it didn't matter cuz orders are orders. SPOILERS (maybe) I... happyggm

    Dude come on I did not ask for spoilers

    happyggm April 26, 2024 7:06 pm
    Dude come on I did not ask for spoilers Evan

    The first part ain’t spoilers cuz it happened at the beginning. And I gave a spoiler warning but it’s not for sure. That’s what I’m getting from raws, I might be completely off. Its also my prediction off 1 chapter only. The google translate makes no sense. So don’t trust me on this

    happyggm April 26, 2024 7:18 pm
    bearing the responsibility himself? is this a joke? are we forgetting that not only was he punished without mc’s knowledge, mc literally stabbed himself to save him LOL. cruel my ass, they are not comparable.... thisislele

    do y’all forget what time period this take place in. Y’all trynna apply our common knowledge to them. Why would he take accountability? He’s a general and that man is his lover who was a previous slave. It wouldn’t even cross his mind, it’s beneath him. Uke was at fault cuz he got caught lying. From what I’ve seen/read general was actually really lenient with them. Cuz others would have killed his servant & punish the lover maybe for 1-3 weeks. I’m not saying general is traumatized, I was just trynna say when you something over & over again you eventually become numb to it to a certain extent so you can still function (that’s how brains work to protect the individual). This can be anything: drugs, death, abuse, etc.

    thisislele April 26, 2024 8:13 pm
    do y’all forget what time period this take place in. Y’all trynna apply our common knowledge to them. Why would he take accountability? He’s a general and that man is his lover who was a previous slave. I... happyggm

    it literally does not matter, the different perspective of culture in this time period does not change that he is a horrible person. he was in that period and he would be in this time period. no amount of sob story will change that or justify any forgiveness. it doesnt matter whether he was more leniant and not as evil as other people. you just said mc didnt take take responsibility, but when the general tried to get mc to shoot his personal maid pr whatever with a bow and arrow mc not only refused but stabbed himself im the leg with the arrow. the bad parts of the general and the mc are not even comparable. what is it that you’re trying to say?

    Nataruma April 27, 2024 3:53 am
    bearing the responsibility himself? is this a joke? are we forgetting that not only was he punished without mc’s knowledge, mc literally stabbed himself to save him LOL. cruel my ass, they are not comparable.... thisislele

    He's still not an innocent little unfortunate soul. I don't understand why people have this huge issue with unapologetically savage ML's. Like if you hate it fine it's just not the trope for you, but it's excessively annoying seeing commenters think that non-con plots all need to be fluffy from the beginning. No, they don't.

    thisislele April 27, 2024 7:25 am
    He's still not an innocent little unfortunate soul. I don't understand why people have this huge issue with unapologetically savage ML's. Like if you hate it fine it's just not the trope for you, but it's exces... Nataruma

    when did i say that he’s innocent? lol. have you ever thought that maybe people have such a huge issue with savage mls bc they’re written to be horrible people :) also nobody said it needs to be fluffy from the beginning? it’s a good story as is? it’s actually quite normal for people to enjoy good stories with evil characters. he is quite literally written to be a terrible person, and people understand and react to that. if comments about terrible characters being terrible people annoy you so much you should try getting over it tbh.

    Nataruma April 30, 2024 8:22 am
    when did i say that he’s innocent? lol. have you ever thought that maybe people have such a huge issue with savage mls bc they’re written to be horrible people :) also nobody said it needs to be fluffy from... thisislele

    Literally every story that has so far had terrible MLs gets the third degree and it's ridiculous. Don't like it? Stop reading, it's not that hard. Instead people whine incessantly about "the author is terrible for this! what an awful character why did they write them this way? they should write this story the way I want!" Get over yourselves. If you hate it so much write your own fictional work and publish it.

    thisislele April 30, 2024 10:13 am
    Literally every story that has so far had terrible MLs gets the third degree and it's ridiculous. Don't like it? Stop reading, it's not that hard. Instead people whine incessantly about "the author is terrible ... Nataruma

    you quite literally just ignored everything i said lol. if you don’t like people complaining just ignore it. don’t read them lol. gEt OvEr YoUrSeLf

    Nataruma April 30, 2024 4:02 pm
    you quite literally just ignored everything i said lol. if you don’t like people complaining just ignore it. don’t read them lol. gEt OvEr YoUrSeLf thisislele

    No I didn't I pretty much countered with my opinion that people who have an issue with or who demand authors change the way they write their characters are not mature enough to consume the material and should honestly find stories suited to their level of intelligence instead of clogging up the comments with "ermagerd he is a total asshole" takes. But that's just me, feel free to keep having a fit about it though.

    thisislele April 30, 2024 4:10 pm
    No I didn't I pretty much countered with my opinion that people who have an issue with or who demand authors change the way they write their characters are not mature enough to consume the material and should h... Nataruma

    “this guy is evil bc he’s a mass murderer” = not mature or smart enough to consume the material get your head out of your ass lol