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I actually quite enjoyed this

• みなみ • April 25, 2024 6:37 pm

Though I wish we could see that red head suffer some more, but that's just how it is with korean media...not everything can be exposed to the media cuz it might also harm the victims and other innocent parties involved...

For example if someone got punched by their friend, anyone would think that the friend who punched is an ass. But apparently in korea, the one who got punched would also be blamed and questioned. "The must've done something to deserve that punch." "Just what the hell did they do to get punched by their friend?"

Unfortunately, I have heard lots of korean true crime cases where the victims gets victim blamed most of the time.. That's just agonizing...

Sorry that was kinda out of topic but just fyi (´.•﹏•`)

    StressedFox April 30, 2024 6:29 am

    Oh damn, I didnt know that, I've read a lot of stories like this and always thought the media drama backlash that was/is shown was all just to feed the story/plot, but its real?? Thats crazy Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    • みなみ • April 30, 2024 2:56 pm
    Oh damn, I didnt know that, I've read a lot of stories like this and always thought the media drama backlash that was/is shown was all just to feed the story/plot, but its real?? Thats crazy Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) StressedFox

    Believe me, reality is much worse than what is shown in manhwas or kdramas... if u try look for some korean cases, you would know- (´.•﹏•`)