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Can someone tell me wth is going on after the prequel?? She is somewhere south I get it af...

Nielle April 25, 2024 7:02 pm

Can someone tell me wth is going on after the prequel?? She is somewhere south I get it after that I don't who is the bearded guy why is associated with mc, why is she called duke's daughter in law?????? I know I shouldn't be complaining about translations when I am reading for free but I seriously can't understand what is going on, a quick summary would be super helpful

    EAT SLEEP REPEAT April 26, 2024 1:52 am

    according to what i sorta understood, the bearded guy is supposed to be managing the place that mc is in rn, however she found out he was commiting tax evasion, so she went to investigate him. So bearded guy is just a figure head in one of the lands she controls and might be a possible antagonist. The "duke's daughter in law" is most likely just a mis translation.

    Nielle April 26, 2024 3:02 am

    Ok tysm

    Hooble May 5, 2024 1:35 am
    Ok tysm Nielle

    Yeah my guess on the translation is that it's supposed to mean that duke's daughter + the duke's (lawful) heir. So I think the translation just mixed those together somehow to be another phrase: "daughter in law"