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So, I get it but still....

Geek Goddess April 26, 2024 3:15 pm

So, I get the Wife. Her flesh and blood is being overshadowed by her husband's son, who is a product of infidelity. But where she messed up at was taking it out on Hye-Rang. If your son is second best, killing his half-brother (who is better) won't make your son the best. He'll still be second, except there wouldn't be anyone in the front of him.

What she should've done was direct her anger and anxiety towards her husband. He's the one who had an affair with a Kisaeng (did I say that right??). Hye-Rang didn't ask to be born. He didn't ask to go with his father and become a part of the household. He studied and participated in things bc his mother asked him to be happy and live a better life. It's also not his fault that he's smarter and better than his half-brother. I feel sorry for the kid and I get it, but's not Hye-Rang's fault.

And to appease the household and the anxiety of his scared wife and second-best son, the father sent Hye-Rang to battle. And at a young age at that. That boy wasn't fighting for the country or the Emperor or the people. He was fighting for his own life and his safety and will forever be battle hardened and scarred. How horrible is that?? He was forced to become a "rabid dog of the Emperor" all because he was TOO smart and TOO good at things--again NOT HIS FAULT.

I am so glad we are starting to get into the meat of things--the "nitty gritty" (do people even still say that these days? I cant keep up with y'all youngsters). And I'm starting to understand Hye-Rang and who he was and had to become. I hope we get more of his backstory and moments like this with him and our MC. This has truly become one of my favorite stories.
