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I'm so confused?? Ppl are hating on FL bc she's an adult I mean yeah when she was little s...

ShadowKnight April 26, 2024 5:51 pm

I'm so confused?? Ppl are hating on FL bc she's an adult I mean yeah when she was little she had a mind of an adult kinda weird but I've check on some ppls activities and they don't mind a god/demon/deity/etc who is like 200+ years old being with a human who is like 18+ I try not to notice there age sometimes bc it's kinda weird but there are times where the story Is good and the plot

    SpaceGirl868 April 27, 2024 12:48 am

    People don't like the MC because her character kinda sucks. She's a selfish brat. She constantly leads on every guy who's interested in her. She makes a big deal of not wanting to be alone but also pushes her sister away and everyone who's close to her away? She definitely knew that most of the guys had feelings for her and she still lead them on but not addressing it even though she knows that's the right thing to do because she's an adult.

    It is easy to ignore the age difference yeah, but it's really weird she acts more childish than the actual children themselves. I think the idea of her character being incredibly flawed was good but here it's just executed poorly.