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Still mad

Nickname April 26, 2024 10:29 pm

I know it’s a dream but holy hell am I heated, in an unsurprising turn of events the alpha reveals how quickly he would r@pe the beta AGAIN and disregard the beta’s wellbeing and consent in favor of his own pleasure.

I truly believe there exists a single prison, with a single cell, wherein there is a single UNCOMFORTABLE lumpy bed with a single THIN itchy blanket and the single FLATTEST pillow available, and to the side of the bed is a single STANDING toilet (hole in the ground) with a single role of single ply toilet paper, and one single skylight window for this author. For crimes against decent plot and character development and for subjecting the readers to the slow painful moral decline and murder of every single character’s personality.

Like girl it is NOT hard to not write your main man as a literal unapologetic r@pist I seriously cannot believe your editor allowed you to write the alpha as a ‘sympathetic’ character, there’s NOTHING sympathic about him bc you took away any empathy readers had to offer by making him - sorry for repeating myself - AN UNAPOLOGETIC SEX CRIMINAL. The story is giving psychological horror bc the reality is, the beta is being manipulated by sentient human refuse and a stalker.

Anyways I’ll see y'all next upload to vent, this is my weekly hate-read, peace and love
