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Can't blame Sohan. He's trying to save himself from the pain he thought he'll get from Sih...

ehlieeee April 27, 2024 8:18 am

Can't blame Sohan. He's trying to save himself from the pain he thought he'll get from Sihwa w/o knowing that Sihwa wants to take him home and he's loved. He'll rather reject Sihwa and chose his father because he thought the trash is the best option of staying with him not knowing that Sihwa would rather snatch him away. I'm disappointed but I can't blame him. That's a natural response of a human who's longing for a family for a very long time. Hope Sohan will know that Sihwa's crying and in pain because of Sohan's wrong assumptions and his decision of not talking to Sihwa better. I'll wait.
