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This had so much potential to be a good psychological manga

Easaw April 27, 2024 1:34 pm

This had so much potential to be a good psychological manga

    Yuchan April 27, 2024 1:39 pm

    It really did. Not many get the feeling right and what they did for naho and him discovering insecurity was brilliant. I'm sad they messed up this potential and de-escalated it to a boring plot.

    It would have been better if those people actually didn't like naho, and the friend actually was jealous of naho. Then if there was another guy maybe blondie who kept commenting could help him. Could have made it so he found confidence himself, or turned darker where he reached a even lower point.
    I thought ml was deliberately messing with naho, could of been like he was given into peer pressure and turned to kind of bully. Then when naho turned to his lowest point, ml redeems himself.