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MangaThinker April 27, 2024 2:09 pm

I am more interested in FL Ray's time in Modern South Korea where she learns from her first only best friend Yooju to become more emancipated.

Being back in her old world, she can't defy her mother, has to be clumsy in front of her ML, so he can catch her and has to enter a Contract Marriage with a cold brooding sad ML who will obviously fall in love with her.

    shitcory April 27, 2024 10:08 pm

    Yep. Would've loved it if this story did the same thing as I Will Strangle That Wild Dog's Neck (if I remember the title correctly) and showed us the past in the first 20-30 chapters before the regression/isekai that was already stated in the summary. It helps to really get invested in the character and their journey in the story. Unfortunately that is something I rarely get to see, even if I wish for more of it :/ it would be refreshing to sort of live through the past with the character before the "actual" story, instead of having to hear of things from flashbacks.