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we could call this series Hate for Dummies

JulDC April 27, 2024 4:03 pm

In fact, this woman refuses to move on, just because it's comfortable to hate. Dietrich is just a pretext, she needs a reason to victimize herself, since he “stole” her revenge. But she used him just as much as he used her to keep her close to him. All her decisions were made out of hatred, while all his actions were to gain her love. Even if this love is obsessive, toxic, etc., its goal is not to harm her. So no, I don't hate ML.
How much even they will reconcile according to the spoilers, this FL has never been loving, she is dry inside. And his current suicide attempt is yet another act of hatred. She's irrecoverable.

    JulDC April 27, 2024 4:07 pm

    And HER current... stupid translator (or stupid me)