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I’m really gonna need them to explain those scenes with the lover cuz while they may hav...

Yanixi April 27, 2024 4:11 pm

I’m really gonna need them to explain those scenes with the lover cuz while they may have been under the sheets we didn’t see them really do any smut stuff but the fl and ml we will probably see them do smut stuff or at least enough to say and verify that they did the deed uk what I mean. Hence how she can be a virgin and not know what it is or at least the author can frame it that way in theory to the readers and ppl just won’t know unless it’s just outright said. Kinda like in horror movies when a character dies off camera but u don’t really know if that person is dead cuz they died off camera and that person always comes back, idk if I explained that well(⊙…⊙ ). I also think maybe the plot changed at some point possibly just so they have scenes like the elevator one ngl that was spicy (≧∀≦) imma be honest idk if anyone will understand what I mean xD I may just be talking nonsense ignore me Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    jam April 27, 2024 7:29 pm

    If I'm not wrong I'm pretty sure readers started the theory that she might be a virgin? I don't remember a scene where the author is implying that she is a virgin ( ̄∇ ̄") and also I totally get what you're saying lol

    Potatokun April 27, 2024 7:58 pm

    If you go reread chp 75-76, the author has already cleared on her relationship with him. They only had small skinship like kiss and hug and nothing more. Eiser even thinks to himself that how foolish he must've loomed in front of Frederick when he asked to not bring trouble(as in make her preggy) coz infact they never had such relationship to begin with. She is a virgin + couldn't get sex education becoz of her family situation

    Yanixi April 27, 2024 10:54 pm
    If you go reread chp 75-76, the author has already cleared on her relationship with him. They only had small skinship like kiss and hug and nothing more. Eiser even thinks to himself that how foolish he must've... Potatokun

    Yea I went back and reread all that but she also said “ it makes me feel like what I did with Frederick was a joke” implying that they definitely was up to some things similar to what they fl and ml I mean was currently doing at that time. I mean she could still be a virgin, I just refuse to believe she’s as innocent and naive as they trying to make her out to be. If they really never had that kinda relationship to begin with then there’s no need for him to be naked in bed with her. He can sit/sleep on a chair if they wanna give the illusion of lovers at home in the bedroom. I also remember something about panic attacks or something similar idk if he need to sleep in the bed with her for that but ig that’s find if she finds comfort in it uk. But all in all it’s not like ml or the servants was barging into her bedroom at all hours of the day/night to see them together either. And even tho she thought ml was trying to kill her we know that ml never was and never sent anyone to make any attempts to kill her (she knows now too). I just need for them to come out and say what’s what. Explanation that’s all

    Yanixi April 27, 2024 11:01 pm
    If I'm not wrong I'm pretty sure readers started the theory that she might be a virgin? I don't remember a scene where the author is implying that she is a virgin ( ̄∇ ̄") and also I totally get what you're... jam

    It’s cuz it said that she didn’t have ppl to basically teach her what the deed and such is for the most part and the part where the husband will teach her so everyone is thinking she’s a virgin

    jam April 28, 2024 4:38 am
    It’s cuz it said that she didn’t have ppl to basically teach her what the deed and such is for the most part and the part where the husband will teach her so everyone is thinking she’s a virgin Yanixi

    Ohhh I see