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Don’t read if u like this manga

Anonymous April 28, 2024 12:52 am

So I didn’t read much and mainly skimmed to see if it’d be something I’d be interested in and got only to chap 3 and here’s my thoughts as someone who is NOT gonna read all the way through, first of all waiting 30 years just to be accepted by your crush is a little excessive, second of all it’s fine for a poly just a bit weird imo (no offense) and THIRD AND MOST IMPORTANT WHY TF WOULD YOU READ SONETHING WITH INCEST, HUGE AGE GAP AND GROOMING WTF Naou (idk his name) deserves to be left in a ditch somewhere (and the fact this his bf is around the same age as Mei… ew) and the kidnapping is just… so random and psychopathic

    Okami_Senpai April 30, 2024 10:25 pm

    Yeah… I can tell you didn’t actually read this… they’re not actually related, bro is lying ab that. The kidnapping?? That was literally a joke bro wasn’t actually kidnapped hello??? And also, being disrespectful to poly relationships is actually so gross putting “(no offense)” whilst calling someone’s identity and preferences weird is gross behavior. And also, yes age gap is weird but this also wasn’t grooming, if it was grooming bro would’ve accepted him right as soon as he turned legal, grooming isn’t this, it rlly is entirely different.. I’ve been groomed and SA.. so I think using that term as loosely as you are is quite tone deaf.

    Anonymous April 30, 2024 10:42 pm
    Yeah… I can tell you didn’t actually read this… they’re not actually related, bro is lying ab that. The kidnapping?? That was literally a joke bro wasn’t actually kidnapped hello??? And also, being di... Okami_Senpai

    I said I didn’t read the entirety of the story so of course I wouldn’t know that they weren’t related and I stopped reading the panel he said “i kidnapped you” so yeah also didn’t know it was a joke, and the whole poly thing, I have past problems with an ex being poly and just using it as an excuse to cheat on me, I understand that being poly is fine and it’s your own preference if you are or not but because of my past experiences it’s just not my cup of tea and I agree it was rude of me to say it was weird and I apologize, I also apologize for your past experiences with grooming and SA, I luckily have never had to experience that so I am not well informed about that so I also apologize for being so naïve on the subject, I’ll try to be more knowledgeable on the subject before I make comments like this again

    Okami_Senpai April 30, 2024 11:09 pm
    I said I didn’t read the entirety of the story so of course I wouldn’t know that they weren’t related and I stopped reading the panel he said “i kidnapped you” so yeah also didn’t know it was a joke... Anonymous

    Thank you for taking the criticism ab the grooming thing well, I get very sensitive when it mentioned especially when it’s not being used right as it rlly is a v sensitive subject. Most people don’t take it well when I tell them not to use it so loosely. And for the poly thing as long as you know it wasn’t okay to call it weird. I’m sorry your ex cheated on you, I can understand how that situation can leave a bad impression of polyamory especially if they lied and used it as an excuse!

    Anonymous April 30, 2024 11:21 pm
    Thank you for taking the criticism ab the grooming thing well, I get very sensitive when it mentioned especially when it’s not being used right as it rlly is a v sensitive subject. Most people don’t take it... Okami_Senpai

    Yeah I don’t get why people just can’t accept their mistakes, but I must admit I was very hypocritical about the poly thing because I was in a bad mood that day and i was super tired so I completely forgot that I make OCs stories and I have two OCs stories that are poly (but those poly relationships are all of them love eachother instead of what my ex did lol) I really need to think before I comment next time but yeah I’ll work on getting more knowledge on this stuff so I don’t seem like an asshole